Hortvs troporvm - florilegivm in honorem Gvnillae Iversen : a Festschrift in honour of Professor Gunilla Iversen on the occasion of her retirement as Chair of Latin at Stockholm University

By gathering the contributions of thirty scholars of international renown in a wide array of topics, Hortus troporum is an attempt to capture the career and influence of Professor Gunilla Iversen, retiring Chair of Latin at Stockholm University. The breadth and depth of Iversen's research, interests, and influence are reflected in such areas as liturgy, musicology, exegesis, Latin philology, history, manuscript studies, comparative literature, and textual criticism. Divided into five parts, the book illustrates the broad spectrum of topics that characterizes the scholarly activity of Professor Iversen.

(Edited by Alexander Andrée & Erika Kihlman.)
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Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Stockholms universitet, eddy.se distributör, Intellecta 2008 Sverige, Stockholm, Visby, Solna 384 sidor. ill., musiknoter 25 cm 978-91-85445-93-6